auditions instruments the orchestra world trombone

trombone doin’s

Nathan Zgonc

The New York Philharmonic hired a new associate principal trombone this week, but the news for Portlanders is that the other finalist was our very own Nathan Zgonc, son of Larry Zgonc, principal bassist of the Oregon Ballet Theatre orchestra, and Lorely Zgonc, concertmaster of the OBT orchestra and the Portland Opera orchestra.  Nathan is currently the principal trombone of the Sarasota Orchestra.  Take a look at his website here.

Aaron LaVere

Also of interest, the Oregon Symphony’s principal trombone, Aaron LaVere, is taking a sabbatical this coming season and will be playing principal trombone in the Seoul Philharmonic in South Korea.  The music director of the Seoul Philharmonic is the great conductor Myung Whun Chung, so it’s a great opportunity for Aaron – we all wish him a warm bon voyage, and hope to hear many great stories upon his return next year!

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