freelancing music viola

before –> after

Here’s a fairly common thing that happens when one does a gig where parts are produced under a tight deadline: misprints, wrong clefs, mis-transpositions, etc.  Here’s a chart with the before on the left, the after on the right – looks a little different, right?  Glad I wrote a lot of theory/orchestration exercises in undergrad – came in handy to be able to pound out the manuscript for this one:

[click photo to enlarge]

4 replies on “before –> after”

It’s the old “garbage in; garbage out” principle. At least with the computer notation the output garbage is impressively neat looking.

almost – with the computerized scoring programs, when you are forced to transpose, it doesn’t give you appropriate note names to the key – so you might need to see a C-natural but you end up seeing a B-sharp on the page – that’s what happened in this case, plus it changed the clef somewhere during the prepare for print process, and most of this was due to a very quick change with no time to troubleshoot for the arranger. just part of a day’s work, I guess…

four things:
1/ i don’t use a computer for music notation
2/ i don’t do parts
3/ i assume full responsibility for all my mistakes
4/ yes, i’m decidedly a dinosaur!

And if Vivaldi had had Sibelius, he could have composed 6000 concertos, not a mere 600.

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