percussion soloists & recitals the orchestra world

higdon percussion concerto

On heels of the Percussion Concerto receiving a GRAMMY, and its being programmed on next year’s Oregon Symphony season, I thought it might be nice to get a preview.  Here’s Colin Currie (who will play the piece here in Portland) with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra. This appears to be a cadenza with participation from the orchestra’s percussion section.

3 replies on “higdon percussion concerto”

I had the great pleasure of attending the Eugene Symphony’s performance of Jennifer’s fantastic concerto last year, with the incredible Evelyn Glennie performing the solo. It’s a tour de force for the soloist, and I look forward to Colin’s performance with us. Since Jennifer considers Portland like a second home (she has family here), maybe we could convince our team to bring her here for the occasion of this performance?????

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