soloists & recitals the orchestra world violin

ailing soloist replaced at oregon symphony

As I’ve written in the OSO’s program books in years past, the business of booking soloists and conductors takes place years in advance of their appearances with the orchestra.  So when there are last minute emergencies such as illness or accident, it’s an all-hands-on-deck scramble to find a replacement who will meet or exceed the high standard of performance of the indisposed musician.

In this case, Arabella Steinbacher, a young violinist from Germany who was to have made her Oregon Symphony debut next week, fell ill and a replacement had to be found.  In a happy development, the excellent violinist Chee-Yun was available and will play the originally programmed Dvorak violin concerto in Ms. Steinbacher’s place, and it will also be an Oregon Symphony debut performance.  While I was interested in hearing Steinbacher’s performance, I’m actually glad to get a chance to hear Chee-Yun in-person – she should present a dynamic and exciting reading of the Dvorak.

Link to Chee-Yun’s website.

Link to Arabela Steinbacher’s website.

Link to buy tickets to the Oregon Symphony performances.

3 replies on “ailing soloist replaced at oregon symphony”

Hi Charles,
Thanks for posting this and helping to get the word out. A fan on our facebook page this morning said how great it is that Chee-Yun is coming back to Portland so I did some googling and discovered she made her Portland debut here with James DePreist in the 1999/2000 season. When I get to the office later today I’ll dig up the program.

Chee-Yun was guest artist here the weekend of February 5, 6 and 7, 2000. She played the Saint-Saens’ violin concerto #3. DePreist also led the orchestra in Mozart’s overture to The Marriage of Figaro, and Schubert’s Great C Major Symphony No. 9.

Thanks for the information, Elaine. I must have missed that concert because I just don’t remember it. I’m not sure I was attending both series back then so maybe that is why I don’t remember her .

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