labor issues the orchestra world

tentative agreement in detroit

The Detroit Free Press has announced that the Detroit Symphony musicians and management have come to a tentative settlement of the six-month long strike. Face-to-face meetings resumed after an unnamed intermediary proposed terms that were accepted by both sides.

  • Details here and here.  [shout out to Drew McManus at for posting the links]
  • New York Times notice here.
  • Statement from the musicians here.
  • Statement from the Detroit Symphony management here.
  • Editorial from The Detroit News here.

I have not seen details of the settlement, other than that it is a much shorter season than the previous 52 weeks – around 36 weeks. This story really isn’t over. It remains to be seen what can be salvaged of a completely screwed up relationship between the musicians and management, and most likely between the musicians, board, management, and patrons. It will likely take years for things to return to any kind of normalcy, and there is no predicting what exactly the new normal will look like.